Monday, October 19, 2009

a sad story about love!!

a girl got an accident with her car which caused her to be blind forever.,but the girl dont want to be blind forever so she is trying to find an eye donor. in the hospital a guy fell inlove with her and promised to help her find an eye donor,the girl promise the guy to marry him if she already can see. one week later the doctor said that they have already found an eye donor and ready to transfer it into her eyes.after the operation has been success the girl was so happy coz she already can see,when she is already in a good condition a the blind guy came and said "now you can already see would you marry me?"the girl laugh and said "are you crazy?I dont want to be blinded coz I dont want to suffer and now I already survive from being blinded I will care a blind person?you fool get off from face"..the guy get out silently and said to himself"just take care of my eyes"

another sa
d story about love!
there is a lov
er promised to live together forever,but unfortunately the parents of the guy send him to another place to continue his studies. 1 yr. after! the girl has found out that the guy had already back and soon to be married.the girl cried,when she received the invitation letter she didn't read it!she went to the marriage of the guy not to witness the celebration but to kill the guy.after the guy was burried she open the letter and read...after a few minutes a tear drops came from her eyes.
you know why? it is on the content of the letter...coz the content is "honey help me I've been
force, I have no choice if I will not marry her they will kill me, but now I realized I was wrong I shouldn't marry her!!pls. come and stop our marriage!!honey I love you I!! can live without you!!